Feature Component

The feature component is designed to make feature checking a natural part of the application

Show when a flag is on

<Feature feature-key="firstFeature">
  <p>This feature can be turned on or off.</p>

Show if all of the listed features are on

<Feature :feature-keys="['firstFeature', 'secondFeature']">
  <p>ALL the provided feature keys are TRUE.</p>

Show if at least one of the listed features is on

<Feature :feature-keys="['firstFeature', 'secondFeature']" requirement="any">
  <p>AT LEAST ONE the provided feature keys is TRUE.</p>

Show if none of the listed features are on

<Feature :feature-keys="['firstFeature', 'secondFeature']" requirement="all" :negate="true">
  <p>NONE of the provided feature keys is TRUE.</p>

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